FTSE Bursa Mal​aysia KLCI etf

You can now own top 30 Malaysian companies* - all in ONE fund which is designed to follow the performance of FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI (“FBM KLCI etf”). FBM KLCI etf is traded like any stock through your remisier or online trading.

FBM KLCI etf is formerly known as FBM30etf.

* Based on market capitalization that meet free float and liquidity requirements.

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The Manager


AmFunds Management Berhad [198601005272 (154432-A)] is a multiple award-winning fund manager based in Malaysia with over 40 years of investing experience. AmInvest is the brand name for the funds management business of AMMB Holdings Berhad. It is one of the largest funds management houses in terms of total assets under management. Our capabilities and expertise encompass offering and managing a broad range of funds across the whole risk-return spectrum for individuals, corporates and institutions as well as fund distribution support services for distributors.

For more information about AmInvest, please click here. In addition, details on AmInvest’s delegation function can be found here.

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