About AmInvest

AmInvest is the brand name for the funds management business of AMMB Holdings Berhad comprising AmFunds Management Berhad and AmIslamic Funds Management Sdn Bhd.

Solutions for a Changing World

AmInvest is a multiple award-winning fund manager based in Malaysia with over 40 years of investing experience. We are one of the largest fund management houses with total assets under management of approximately RM50.6 billion (as at 31 March 2024, Financial Year End 2024).

Our capabilities and expertise encompass offering and managing a broad range of funds across the whole risk-return spectrum for individuals, corporates and institutions as well as fund distribution support services for distributors.

Partnering you to grow your investment in a changing world

Pioneering Innovation

  • Our innovative spirit has led to a series of “first-to-market” products across asset classes as well as services.

Retirement Solutions to Help You Live Your Retirement Dreams

  • We are an approved PRS Provider with a range of retirement solutions across asset classes and geographical exposure that investors can choose from based on their retirement needs, goals and risk appetite.

Values-based Investing

  • We create and manage funds that align your personal or institutional beliefs with investing. We have funds that take into account Shariah-compliant and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) principles in our investment decision making. We also have the expertise and know-how to customise investment solutions to accommodate different investors’ Shariah-compliant frameworks.

Recognised Expertise

  • Our fund management expertise is backed by an award-winning track record.

Diverse and Experienced Team of Investment Professionals

  • Multidisciplinary teams across different areas of specialisations that bring the best practices of funds management.

Expertise in Managing Performance and Risk

Our focus is on growing your investments through our comprehensive and disciplined approach to managing risk, based on your investment horizon and risk profile. We provide expertise at every stage of the investment cycle. Our investment professionals perform thorough research based on top down (macroeconomics and quantitative analysis) coupled with bottom up fundamental stock/credit research. The process is then carefully distilled into securities selected based on investment themes, technical and sector weightings for you.


Heritage of Pioneering First-to-Market Innovative Solutions

 = Conventional Investing
 = Values-Based Investing
Malaysia’s FIRST Robotech fund1  (Robotech Fund) 2018
Malaysia’s FIRST PRS REITs offering2 (AmPRS - Asia Pacific REITs) 2014
Malaysia’s FIRST PRS bond offerings2 (AmPRS Dynamic# Sukuk) (AmPRS - Tactical Bond) 2013
Malaysia’s FIRST USD Based Global Sukuk fund4  (AmGlobal Sukuk) 2012
Malaysia’s FIRST property fund that solely invests in REITs3 (AmAsia Pacific REITs) 2011
World’s FIRST Shariah-compliant ASEAN equity fund5  (AmASEAN Equity) 2011
Malaysia’s FIRST multi-currency fund that invests in Greater China4 (AmIslamic Greater China) 2010
Malaysia’s FIRST open ended fund that focuses its investments in Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC)3 (AmBRIC Equity) 2009
Malaysia’s FIRST USD based Asia-Pacific ex-Japan Shariah Compliant equity master/feeder fund4 (AmNamaa’ / Namaa’ Asia-Pacific Equity Growth) 2008
Malaysia’s FIRST Emerging market bond fund2 (AmEmerging Markets Bond) 2008
Malaysia's FIRST equity fund that invests in Gold and other precious metals4 (Precious Metals Securities) 2007
Malaysia's FIRST equity exchange-traded fund (ETF)3
(FBM KLCI etf-formerly known as FBM30etf)
Malaysia's FIRST equity fund that invests in food supply chain3 (Global Agribusiness) 2007
Malaysia's FIRST European property equity fund3 (AmPan European Property Equities) 2007
Malaysia's FIRST Asian bond fund3 (AmAsian Income) 2006
Malaysia's FIRST European equity fund3 (AmSchroders European Equity Alpha) 2006
Malaysia's FIRST Asia-Pacific property fund3 (AmAsia-Pacific Property Equities) 2006
Malaysia's FIRST global Shariah-compliant equity fund4
(AmOasis Global Islamic Equity)
FiRST global property fund3 (AmGlobal Property Equities Fund) 2005
Malaysia’s FIRST bond ETF3 (ABF Malaysian Bond Index Fund) 2005
Malaysia’s FIRST Shariah-compliant facility for corporate treasury requirements4 (Islamic Treasury Solution) 2001
Malaysia’s FIRST Shariah-compliant facility compromising a complete group of asset classes4 (Al-Syamil® Facility) 2001
Malaysia’s FIRST Shariah-compliant money market fund4 (AmAl-Amin) 2001
Malaysia’s FIRST facility for corporate treasury requirements3 (Treasury Solution™ Facility) 2000
Malaysia’s FIRST Shariah-compliant equity fund based on Mudharabah structure (profit sharing)4 (AmIttikal) 1993
Malaysia’s FIRST money market fund6 (AmCash Management) 1986


1. Based on data compiled by Lipper, a Thomson Reuters company, on the funds launched on or before 27 July 2018 in Malaysia. The list of funds was filtered according to the criteria comprising Active Primary Funds; Domicile: Malaysia; Asset Universe: mutual funds, pension funds and ETFs. The list of funds was searched for keywords that contain the words "technology", "robot", "robotic" and "robotech".
2. Lipper for Investment Management, by Lipper a Thomson Reuters company based on the fund's launch date under Global Classification: Bond Global (AmPRS-Dynamic Sukuk D), Bond Asia Pacific (AmPRS-Tactical Bond D) and Equity Sector Real Estate Asia Pacific (AmPRS-Asia Pacific REITS D). Data extracted 4 January 2018.
3. Lipper for Investment Management by Lipper, a Thomson Reuters company based on the fund's launch date, data extracted as at 30 September 2016.
4. Lipper for Investment Management by Lipper, a Thomson Reuters company based on the fund's launch date, data extracted as at 13 September 2016.
5. Lipper for Investment Management by Lipper, a Thomson Reuters company, data extracted as at 4 August 2016. The list of funds were filtered using the following criteria: Active Primary Equity ASEAN Islamic Mutual funds and based on its launch date.
6. Lipper for Investment Management by Lipper, a Thomson Reuters company based on the fund's launch date under Global Classification: Money Market, data extracted as at 30 September 2016.

#The word "Dynamic" in this context refers to the Fund's investment strategy which is active management, not buy-and-hold strategy.

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