Shariah Adviser
Amanie Advisors Sdn Bhd
Amanie Advisors Sdn Bhd (''Amanie'') is a Shariah advisory, consultancy, training and research and development boutique for institutional and corporate clientele focusing on Islamic financial services. Amanie is a registered Shariah advisory company for Islamic unit trust with the Securities Commission Malaysia (“SC”). It has been established with the aim of addressing the global needs for experts' and Shariah scholars' pro-active input. This will ultimately allow industry players to manage and achieve their business and financial goals in accordance with the Shariah Principles. Amanie also focuses on organizational aspect of the development of human capital in Islamic finance worldwide through providing updated quality learning embracing both local and global issues on Islamic financial products and services.
The company is led by Tan Sri Dr Mohd Daud Bakar and consists of an active and established panel of consultants covering every aspect related to the Islamic banking and finance industry both in Malaysia and the global market. Currently, the team comprises eight (8) full-time consultants who represent dynamic and experienced professionals with a mixture of corporate finance, accounting, product development, Shariah law and education.
Amanie meets every quarter to address Shariah advisory matters related to our Shariah funds. Since its establishment in 2005, Amanie has accumulated extensive experience in the advisory role of unit trusts, overseeing more than 100 active funds as the Shariah Adviser.
The roles of Shariah Adviser are:
- To ensure that the Shariah compliant funds managed by AmFunds Management Berhad and AmIslamic Funds Management Sdn Bhd (“Funds”) are managed and administered in accordance with Shariah Principles.
- To provide expertise and guidance in all matters relating to Shariah Principles, including on the deed, disclosure document, information memorandum and prospectus, structure and investment process, and other operational and administrative matters of the respective Funds.
- To consult with SC where there is any ambiguity or uncertainty as to an investment, instrument, system, procedure and/or process.
- To act with due care, skill and diligence in carrying out its duties and responsibilities.
- Responsible for scrutinizing the Funds’ compliance report as provided by the compliance officer, and investment transaction reports provided by, or duly approved by, the trustee of each Fund to ensure that the Funds’ investments are in line with Shariah Principles.
- To prepare a report to be included in each Fund’s interim/quarterly and annual reports certifying whether the Fund have been managed and administered in accordance with Shariah Principles for the period concerned.
The designated person responsible for Shariah advisory matters of the Funds is Tan Sri Dr Mohd Daud Bakar as the Executive Chairman. Other consultant is Suhaida Mahpot.
The Consulting Team

Tan Sri Dr Mohd Daud Bakar
Tan Sri Dr Mohd Daud Bakar is the Founder and Executive Chairman of Amanie Group. One of its flagship companies namely Amanie Advisors, is operating in few cities globally. He serves as the Chairman of the Shariah Advisory Council (SAC) at the Central Bank of Malaysia, the Securities Commission of Malaysia, the Labuan Financial Services Authority, the Astana International Financial Centre (AIFC), Kazakhstan, the First Abu Dhabi Bank, and Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB).
Tan Sri Dr Mohd Daud Bakar is also a Shariah board member of various global financial institutions, including the National Bank of Oman (Oman), Amundi Asset Management (France), Bank of London and Middle East (London), BNP Paribas Najma (Bahrain), Natixis Bank (Dubai), Oasis Asset Management (South Africa), Noor Islamic Bank (Dubai), Morgan Stanley (Dubai), Sedco Capital (Saudi and Luxembourg), and Dow Jones Islamic Market Index (New York) amongst many others.
Currently, Tan Sri serves as a Chairman of Federal Territory Islamic Religious Department (Majlis Agama Islam Persekutuan (MAIWP). In the corporate world, he is currently a member of the PNB Investment Committee. Previously, he served as a Board Director at Sime Darby Property Berhad and Chairman to Malaysia Islamic Economic Development Foundation (YaPEIM). In addition, he is the co-founder of Experts Analystics Centre Sdn Bhd and MyFinB Sdn. Bhd. He also serves as the Chairman of Berry Pay Sdn. Bhd., Data Sukan Consulting Sdn. Bhd., Bio Fluid Sdn. Bhd., KAB Gold Dynamics Sdn. Bhd., Bio-Angle Vacs Sdn. Bhd., Tulus Digital Sdn. Bhd., and Amanie Afra-Halal Capital Co (Bangkok). He is currently the 8th President of the International Islamic the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM).
In 2014, he received the “Most Outstanding Individual” award by His Majesty, the King of Malaysia, in conjunction with the national-level Prophet Muhammad’s birthday. Under his leadership, Amanie Advisors received the “Islamic Economy Knowledge Infrastructure Award” at the Global Islamic Economy Summit, Dubai 2015, by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, Oct 2015. On 13 November 2021, he was conferred the Darjah Kebesaran Panglima Setia Mahkota (P.S.M.) which carries the title of “Tan Sri”.
He received his first degree in Shariah from University of Kuwait in 1988 and obtained his PhD from University of St. Andrews, United Kingdom in 1993. In 2002, he completed his external Bachelor of Jurisprudence at University of Malaya.
His first book entitled “Shariah Minds in Islamic Finance: An Inside Story of A Shariah Scholar” has won the “Islamic Finance Book of the Year 2016” by the Global Islamic Finance Award (GIFA) 2016. Then, his book on sukuk entitled “An Insightful Journey to Emirates Airline Sukuk: Pushing The Boundaries of Islamic Finance” has also won the “Best Islamic Finance Case 2017” by the GIFA 2017 in Kazakhstan.
His latest books include Insyirah: Kelapangan Hati dan Minda (Feb 2021) novel, Kembara Ilmu Dari Sg Korok ke St Andrews (Jan 2021), Covid 25 : Kapsul Kehidupan dan Makhluk Mistik (2020) novel, Dhuha : Cahaya Pagi Yang Terang (2020) novel, Mindset Is Everything (2019), The Hard Truth Of Islamic Finance (2019), Ratiocination In Islamic Legal Theory (2019), and Corporate Matrimony (2019), Dukun Kegagalan (2019), Engsel Kehidupan (2019) and Sosialisasi Fekah Dalam Struktur Masyarakat (2019).
His other books include I Have 25 Hours A Day: The Smart Way to Create More Time (2016), Mainstreaming Islamic Finance: Unveiling The Critical Success and Failure Factors An Insider And Global Perspective (2018), Saya Ada 25 Jam Sehari (2016), Be The Eagle Amongst The Birds (2018), Shariah is Life (2018), PULUN (2018), Anak Desa ke Persada Antarabangsa (2018), dan Membumikan Syariah : Menjelajahi Dimensi Syariah Secara 360 Darjah (2018).
is the Founder and Executive Chairman of Amanie Group. One of its flagship companies namely Amanie Advisors, is operating in few cities globally. He serves as the Chairman of the Shariah Advisory Council (SAC) at the Central Bank of Malaysia, the Securities Commission of Malaysia, the Labuan Financial Services Authority, the Astana International Financial Centre (AIFC), Kazakhstan, the First Abu Dhabi Bank, and Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB).
Tan Sri Dr Mohd Daud Bakar is also a Shariah board member of various global financial institutions, including the National Bank of Oman (Oman), Amundi Asset Management (France), Bank of London and Middle East (London), BNP Paribas Najma (Bahrain), Natixis Bank (Dubai), Oasis Asset Management (South Africa), Noor Islamic Bank (Dubai), Morgan Stanley (Dubai), Sedco Capital (Saudi and Luxembourg), and Dow Jones Islamic Market Index (New York) amongst many others.
Currently, Tan Sri serves as a Chairman of Federal Territory Islamic Religious Department (Majlis Agama Islam Persekutuan (MAIWP). In the corporate world, he is currently a member of the PNB Investment Committee. Previously, he served as a Board Director at Sime Darby Property Berhad and Chairman to Malaysia Islamic Economic Development Foundation (YaPEIM). In addition, he is the co-founder of Experts Analystics Centre Sdn Bhd and MyFinB Sdn. Bhd. He also serves as the Chairman of Berry Pay Sdn. Bhd., Data Sukan Consulting Sdn. Bhd., Bio Fluid Sdn. Bhd., KAB Gold Dynamics Sdn. Bhd., Bio-Angle Vacs Sdn. Bhd., Tulus Digital Sdn. Bhd., and Amanie Afra-Halal Capital Co (Bangkok). He is currently the 8th President of the International Islamic the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM).
In 2014, he received the “Most Outstanding Individual” award by His Majesty, the King of Malaysia, in conjunction with the national-level Prophet Muhammad’s birthday. Under his leadership, Amanie Advisors received the “Islamic Economy Knowledge Infrastructure Award” at the Global Islamic Economy Summit, Dubai 2015, by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, Oct 2015. On 13 November 2021, he was conferred the Darjah Kebesaran Panglima Setia Mahkota (P.S.M.) which carries the title of “Tan Sri”.
He received his first degree in Shariah from University of Kuwait in 1988 and obtained his PhD from University of St. Andrews, United Kingdom in 1993. In 2002, he completed his external Bachelor of Jurisprudence at University of Malaya.
His first book entitled “Shariah Minds in Islamic Finance: An Inside Story of A Shariah Scholar” has won the “Islamic Finance Book of the Year 2016” by the Global Islamic Finance Award (GIFA) 2016. Then, his book on sukuk entitled “An Insightful Journey to Emirates Airline Sukuk: Pushing The Boundaries of Islamic Finance” has also won the “Best Islamic Finance Case 2017” by the GIFA 2017 in Kazakhstan.
His latest books include Insyirah: Kelapangan Hati dan Minda (Feb 2021) novel, Kembara Ilmu Dari Sg Korok ke St Andrews (Jan 2021), Covid 25 : Kapsul Kehidupan dan Makhluk Mistik (2020) novel, Dhuha : Cahaya Pagi Yang Terang (2020) novel, Mindset Is Everything (2019), The Hard Truth Of Islamic Finance (2019), Ratiocination In Islamic Legal Theory (2019), and Corporate Matrimony (2019), Dukun Kegagalan (2019), Engsel Kehidupan (2019) and Sosialisasi Fekah Dalam Struktur Masyarakat (2019).
His other books include I Have 25 Hours A Day: The Smart Way to Create More Time (2016), Mainstreaming Islamic Finance: Unveiling The Critical Success and Failure Factors An Insider And Global Perspective (2018), Saya Ada 25 Jam Sehari (2016), Be The Eagle Amongst The Birds (2018), Shariah is Life (2018), PULUN (2018), Anak Desa ke Persada Antarabangsa (2018), dan Membumikan Syariah : Menjelajahi Dimensi Syariah Secara 360 Darjah (2018).

Suhaida Mahpot
Suhaida Mahpot is the Chief Executive Officer for Amanie Advisors in Kuala Lumpur office. She joined Amanie in 2008 and was amongst the pioneers in the company. She is a specialist in sukuk advisory and has been partnering with Tan Sri Dr Mohd Daud Bakar for the last 10 years to advise numerous sukuk locally and internationally.
One of the sukuk advised by her has been awarded as Best Securitisation Sukuk at The Asset Triple A Islamic Finance Award (2017). Apart from sukuk advisory, her primarily focus is on Shariah governance, structuring, enhancement and conversion exercises, establishment of Islamic financial entities as well as development of Islamic products. She holds a Bachelor of Economics (Islamic Economic & Finance) from International Islamic University Malaysia, and currently pursuing MSc in Islamic Finance with INCEIF. Her career in banking & financial industry started as a trainee under Capital Market Graduated Trainee Scheme organized by the SC.
Prior to joining Amanie, she worked with Affin Investment Bank Bhd since 2006 as an executive for debt & capital markets department. She completed various project financing deals using private debt securities instruments ranging from infrastructure & utilities, real estate, plantation and many others.