Individual Investor
What Are You Looking For?

Business Days
A day on which the Bursa Malaysia and/or banks in Kuala Lumpur are open for business.
“Business Day(s)” in the respective Master Prospectus/Information Memorandum of the Funds which states that “… The Manager may declare certain Business Day to be a non-Business Day although banks in Kuala Lumpur are open, if the market in which the Fund is invested is closed for business. This is to ensure that investors are given a fair valuation of the Fund when making subscription or redemption…”. This information will be communicated to you via our website at
Should you require further information and/or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact your respective Relationship Manager or our Customer Service Officer at:
Tel: +603 2032 2888
Fax: +603 2026 2821
Email: [email protected]

Al-Syamil Facility
We first started offering Malaysia’s first Shariah-compliant multi-asset class switching facility, Al-Syamil Facility in 2001 which groups a complete menu of Shariah-compliant unit trust funds (i.e. money market, debt securities, mixed asset and equity) under one umbrella. This Facility allows switching convenience between the different asset classes. This flexibility allows investors to perform their own asset allocation and switch between funds in their portfolios from time to time, depending on their changing investment needs and market cycles.