Values-Based Investing


Values-Based Investing
Investing with your Principles

You are investing with your values - the right to align your personal or institutional beliefs with investing and there is a direct link between your investing activity decisions and the investment gains (or losses) thereafter.

Different terms have been used – ethical, social, mission, religious or corporate responsibilities. It starts with the process of understanding your values and principles and building a fund or mandate that is based on investing intelligently and responsibly. Values-based investing which is aligned to one’s beliefs is not a new concept and has been around since the start of the millennial generation.

We specialise in ethical and Shariah-compliant investing.

How we do it:

  • Avoidance Investing - exclude companies engaged in business activities which are deemed undesirable.
  • Proactive Investing - search and buy into companies that are engaged in activities that adhere to your core beliefs.


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